How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?

How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?

September 20, 2022

Dental bonding is an aesthetic dental procedure using a tooth-colored composite material to enhance your smile. The process helps repair chips, close gaps or change a tooth’s shape and color, and even conceal discoloration with teeth impacting your smile. In addition, dental bonding is entirely reversible, unlike other aesthetic procedures like porcelain veneers.


What Precisely Is Dental Bonding?


Dental bonding, alternatively called teeth bonding or composite bonding, is a cosmetic dental treatment that helps enhance your smile. When performing the procedure, the dentist in Gilbert applies tooth-colored composite resin to your affected teeth to transform the shape, color, and size of the teeth.


When Is Teeth Bonding Suggested?


Teeth bonding helps make cosmetic enhancements to your smile. With the help of tooth-colored composite resin material, this treatment assists in concealing chips and cracks on your teeth, discoloration, closing spaces and gaps between the teeth, making your teeth appear longer, or altering the shape of the teeth.


The composite resin material helping bond your teeth is also helpful in restorative dentistry to fill cavities, change silver amalgam fillings with a cosmetic alternative, and protect exposed tooth roots due to gum recession.


The Popularity of Dental Bonding


Aesthetic teeth bonding is a routine procedure and the most frequent in dentistry because of its affordable and conservative nature.


What Happens before Getting Your Teeth Bonded?


When you visit the dentist near you to make aesthetic improvements to your teeth, the professional will discuss your aesthetic goals and take x-rays of your teeth and gums to confirm your eligibility for the treatment. They recommend treating dental conditions if you have severe tooth decay, gum disease, or other dental health problems.


Happenings When Getting Your Teeth Bonded


When getting dental bonding Gilbert the dentist initially selects a shade using a chart to choose the composite resin material best matching the color of your natural teeth. After selecting the appropriate shade, the dentist roughens your tooth surface by applying a conditioning liquid that helps the composite resin adhere to the tooth.


After the preparation, the composite resin is applied to the teeth, molded, smoothened, and conditioned to the desired shape. Finally, the bonding material is hardened to the tooth surface using ultraviolet light. The dentist can also make final adjustments to the tooth after setting it and polish your tooth to give you a natural-looking smile.


The bonding process takes approximately 30 to 60 minutes per tooth, although some appointments may require more time depending on the extent of the treatment.


What Happens After You Complete the Dental Bonding Treatment?


You must ensure you keep your mouth healthy by practicing proper oral hygiene after getting your teeth bonded. Brushing twice daily, flossing once, and getting six monthly dental prophylaxis are essential to keep your bonded teeth in optimal shape.


The Lifespan of Dental Bonding


Many factors determine how long dental bonding stays on your teeth. The factors include your oral hygiene practices and how many teeth you got bonded. However, you can expect the bonding material to remain on your teeth between five to ten years before needing replacements or touching up.


How Many Times Can a Tooth Be Bonded?


As mentioned earlier, the bonding treatment is entirely reversible, enabling you to get your teeth bonded as often as you like. However, bonding your teeth costs approximately $ 300-$ 600 per tooth, and dental insurance companies do not cover the treatment. Therefore if you want to replace the bonding material every month, you can visit the Gilbert dentist as often as you wish to get your teeth bonded.


Can You Whiten a Bonded Tooth?


Teeth whitening treatments use bleaching ingredients such as hydrogen peroxide to eliminate extrinsic and intrinsic stains on your teeth. The whitening treatments provide a brighter smile that you lack because of tooth discoloration from foods and beverages or habits like smoking. However, the treatment doesn’t make durable changes to your teeth to conceal defects in the tooth like the dental bonding treatment does.


In contrast, dental bonding helps improve the appearance of one or more teeth with severe discoloration, damage, or unevenly shaped teeth. The composite resin selected by the dentist reflects the existing color of your teeth without considering teeth whitening treatments.


When you choose teeth whitening, dentists brighten all your teeth and not just a couple. However, if you decide to whiten teeth after dental bonding, the bonded teeth will appear different because their color remains unresponsive to whitening treatments. Therefore dentists recommend you get your teeth whitened to improve their shade before considering dental bonding for your damaged and uneven teeth.


Dental bonding is a conservative cosmetic procedure that doesn’t set you back in terms of finances. The treatment has no downtime and is completed in one visit to your dentist without needing anesthesia or causing anxiety to make your teeth appear beautiful to everyone.


If you wish to have your teeth bonded to improve their cosmetic appearance, Smiles of Gilbert dentistry helps you achieve your goal in Gilbert. Kindly arrange an appointment with this practice to determine whether you are eligible for dental bonding and receive the treatment during the same meeting if you qualify.

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