How Do Dental Veneers Help Improve Your Smile?
Do you have impacted teeth in the aesthetic zone that prevent you from smiling? You might want help to improve your smile by changing the appearance of your teeth. Fortunately, a cosmetic makeover can change the appearance of your teeth and your smile, giving you an excellent remedy for your impacted teeth.
Dental veneers, slimy tooth-colored shells customized from porcelain, composite resin, and laminates help improve the appearance of your smile regardless of whether you have chipped, broken, discolored, or tinier than average teeth.
The top front eight teeth are the primary recipients of dental veneers. However, you have no reason to consider having them on all your front teeth because you can have them on the damaged teeth and none other.
What Kinds of Veneers Can You Have?
Dental-grade porcelain generally helps make traditional veneers attached to your front teeth to enhance their appearance. However, you can also find composite resin veneers from the cosmetic dentist near you besides laminates, slimy tooth-colored surfaces that serve a similar purpose.
You have three kinds of veneers available from dentists starting from the traditional variety, which lasts the longest but is also the most expensive, costing over $ 2000 per tooth. You also need multiple appointments with the dentist spanning over three weeks if you decide to have traditional veneers on your teeth besides the alternatives.
Composite resin veneers are cost-effective but do not have the lifespan of traditional veneers and might need replacements every five to seven years. These veneers are also prone to discoloration, unlike conventional veneers customized from porcelain.
At the same time, laminates are the most affordable option, needing merely two appointments with the dentist to provide images of your teeth for the manufacturers to create your surfaces and return them to the dentist to bond over your teeth.
Can You Receive Veneers in One Day?
If you want to receive veneers in one appointment, composite resin surfaces are your best option. These veneers do not require tooth structure removal or customization in a dental lab because the dentist creates them in the dental office for application on your teeth soon after evaluating your eligibility for the treatment.
Unfortunately, if you prefer traditional veneers or laminates, you require multiple appointments with the cosmetic dentist to get these surfaces customized or manufactured by their producers. Traditional veneers also need extensive tooth structure removal past the dentin before customizing the shells explicitly for your teeth. However, laminates don’t require any preparation besides waiting for a couple of weeks for the producers to dispatch them to the dentist before you have them placed over your teeth.
How Long Do Teeth Veneers Last?
The three kinds of veneers also have different shelf lives. For example, traditional veneers can remain on your teeth for nearly two decades, while composite resin and laminates last only five to seven years. However, the alternatives to conventional surfaces are prone to discoloration and require you to limit or refrain from having pigmented foods and beverages and avoid habits like smoking that also discolor teeth. Therefore if finances do not constrain you, you can select traditional veneers lasting the longest to provide your teeth the enhancement they need for years without needing replacements.
Unfortunately, laminates and composite resin can damage faster than porcelain veneers and require you to invest in replacements if you chip or damage them when using your teeth to bite on hard foods, complex objects like pens, pencils, or trying to open packages with your front teeth. Therefore if you desire veneers over your teeth to provide a semi-permanent solution to improve your smile, traditional porcelain veneers are the optimal option in terms of quality, lifespan, and appearance.
Caring for Your Veneers after Placement
Your recovery after dental veneer placement doesn’t require much time because they permit you to start biting with the teeth they are cemented on soon after the anesthesia wears off. However, you must consider your investment and the preventive measures suggested earlier to care for the placements and avoid damaging them as best possible.
You must take good oral care and ensure that you have a protective device over your teeth if you are affected by bruxism or are involved in contact sports where impacts on your mouth can damage the placements.
You must also ensure you brush your teeth twice daily, floss at least once, and receive dental prophylaxis at six monthly intervals to keep your oral health in optimal shape.
Smiles of Gilbert Dentistry provide veneers to help improve your smile, improving the appearance of your teeth. If you are unhappy with your teeth, get a smile makeover with the kind of veneer you choose to have over your teeth.